Purcellville Riders - The DC7 will no longer pick up at Patrick Henry College. The DC7 will now pick up at the St. Andrews church. This change is necessary as there is limited space at Patrick Henry and the bus service reports that it cannot jeopardize its lease by exceeding the allotted parking spaces.
Dulles South Riders - A shuttle has been added to meet the mid-day bus (FM1) at Dulles North on Fridays only. Dulles South riders may transfer free to this shuttle, which will take them directly to the Park and Ride lot at Stone Ridge.
Dulles North Riders - Parking lot capacity remains an issue at Dulles North. If your destination is Rosslyn or the west side of D.C., use the Ashburn North lot. There are convenient parking spaces and seats available from this lot.
Ashburn North Riders - A fourth run has been added to depart Ashburn North at 7:10 a.m. A Rosslyn stop has been added to all of the a.m. buses and three of the four p.m. buses.
Reverse Commute Riders - The R3P will begin its run 10 minutes earlier. This change will help maintain the schedule on the subsequent runs operated by this same bus. The R3P will now pick up at Dulles North @ 4:20 p.m., AOL at 4:25 p.m., and Verizon @ 4:30 p.m.
Cascades Schedule
Leesburg Schedule
commuter bus afternoon route 602 is ridiculously long and could be of better service to the riders if its split up to two routes covering the path it travels. it does not may any sense to have afull bus travel the route only to tell the customers that it is full, s=which tis the case everyday. Do something smart to bettter serve the riders.