Has your subdivision and neighborhood roads been cleared yet? Are VDOT crews working there now?
Loudoun County Traffic would love to post any pictures you have showing plow trucks in your area, VDOT crews working on the roads, even cars stuck on your area roadways. Send any pictures to LoudounCountyTraffic@hotmail.com and give us some information about where the picture was taken and when.
And remember... roads are still not back to optimal conditions, so please be careful if you are able to get out of your neighborhood. And thanks to the Virginia Department of Transportation for all their efforts in getting our roads passable.
For the 2nd year and 3rd snow in a row, our neighbors are clearing everyone out with their personal equipment. VDOT has been completely AWOL with 2nd level residential roads for a long time. And when we do see a plow in the area, they just push the snow around, pack it down into a fine sheet of ice and go along their merry way.
ReplyDeleteI live in Round Hill off of Flint Farm Drive and have not seen a single plow truck yet. There are about 30 families that can't get anywhere because the road is atleast a foot deep with snow.
ReplyDeleteHere in Cascades there hasn't been a plow seen on residential streets since yesterday (Sat) morning. Yesteday's snowfall is now packed down and a sheet of ice. We pay how much for this????