The $7.7 billion Working Draft SYIP proposes $5.6 billion for highway construction and $2.1 billion for rail and public transportation, focusing on four main principles:
- Funding deficits on projects under way
- Maximizing the use of federal funds
- Funding projects already under way and those with new phases starting in fiscal year 2011
- Funding deficient bridges and pavements
- Provides partial funding for three stimulus contingency projects:
- I-66 paving in the Northern Virginia District
- I-581 improvements at Elm Avenue in the Salem District
- Route 50 Courthouse Road improvements in the Northern Virginia District
- Partially funds VDOT project development costs on the Midtown Tunnel public-private partnership project in Hampton Roads
- Provides funding for the Route 164 Median Rail project in Hampton Roads administered by the Virginia Port Authority
- Provides special program funding (enhancement program, congestion mitigation and air quality funding and regional surface transportation program projects)
If you can't make the meeting, written comments may be submitted via mail or e-mail until June 11, 2010 to: the Public Information Office, Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, 600 E. Main St., Suite 2102, Richmond, VA 23219. E-mail:
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