"Since last year, county staff has been working on a Comprehensive Plan amendment to examine the keynote employment zoning in the Rt. 28 corridor and determine whether changes are needed to allow for the types of development supervisors, and businesses, want to see in the area. Properties in the corridor are zoned under three different Zoning Ordinances, project manager Miguel Salinas explained to those at the June 21 meeting, leading to the “haphazard development pattern” in the corridor that stakeholders said was “disjointed,” “piecemeal” and has “multiple personalities.”
"After meeting for weeks with property and business owners in the Rt. 28 corridor on the potential plans for the CPAM, county staff presented the general public, along with some stakeholders, the four key goals and supporting objectives that had grown from those meetings, one-on-one interviews, board forums and consultant studies. Included in the goals are ensuring Rt. 28 becomes an employment destination for regional, national and international business; providing employees and residents a variety of transportation options; incorporating design practices that promote Rt. 28 as a high-quality and attractive employment corridor; and ensuring land development within the corridor is at the forefront of sustainable development practices."
Read the complete Leesburg Today article.
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