A New Vision for Route 28?
At the direction of the majority of the Board of Supervisors on February 3, 2009, Loudoun County began working on a new vision for the Route 28 Corridor. The Planning Commissioners forwarded their recommendation of approval for the plan to the Board of Supervisors earlier this month. You can read all about this new vision here.
The Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing to hear from you on the Route 28 proposal on Monday, February 7, 2011 at 6:00 P.M in the Board Room of the County Government Center. We need to hear from you!
The county’s comprehensive plan envisions the Route 28 Corridor as a major economic and employment center with predominantly commercial development within distinct land development patterns. The Route 28 Corridor includes large portions of the Potomac District, see map below, including many businesses and neighborhoods, such as Orbital, Dominion Station, Old Sterling Gable, and Dulles Town Center. For those of you who live in neighborhoods such as Cascades and CountrySide, these changes would occur nearby. I hope you will get informed and let us know what you think at the public hearing on February 7. I also welcome your feedback at Andrea.McGimsey@loudoun.gov, and you can reach the whole Board of Supervisors at bos@loudoun.gov.
No Increases for Commuter Bus Fares
The Board of Supervisors held a special public input session last week to hear from the public on a proposal to increase commuter bus fares to fund future infrastructure such as additional buses and Park and Ride lots. The feedback from the public has been overwhelmingly on the side of keeping the fares stable.
The DC region now has the dubious distinction of being the most congested region in the nation, according to the Urban Mobility Report 2010 (page 22). People who take public transit are doing all of us who drive a big favor by taking vehicles off the road.
I have worked hard to begin building a stronger multi-modal transportation system that provides transportation choices to our local residents and employees. I do not believe that we should charge more for commuter bus fares. We need to find a more equitable way to fund this important infrastructure – a way that recognizes that people who take transit are helping all of us tackle one of our most difficult challenges, reducing traffic congestion.
With gas prices again on the rise, carpooling is an effective and common ridesharing agreement with various benefits to individuals, the community and the environment. By sharing the ride, carpoolers save money on fuel, insurance, and car maintenance. Moreover, carpooling can reduce travel time, because carpools can use High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes throughout Northern Virginia. By carpooling, you are making a conscientious effort to help reduce air pollution, traffic congestion and green house gas emissions. Plus, if you’re not behind the wheel, carpoolers can read, nap or chat during their commute, reducing stress and building community. If you’re interested in carpooling, there are several ways to get started.
Commuter Connections, a network of Washington, D.C.-area transportation organizations coordinated by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG), offers free ride-matching services. Staff from Loudoun’s Commuter Services Program can assist citizens in Loudoun with this free ride-matching service. Contact them if you wish to form a carpool.
Local phone: 703-771-5665
Toll-free: 800-745-RIDE
e-mail: rideshare@loudoun.gov
Pool Rewards gives Loudoun County commuters a better reason to carpool. This special offer pays new carpoolers $2 per day. You can find details here.
Check out NuRide for information on how you can earn points, similar to frequent flyer miles, for sharing a ride. Learn more here.
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