Northern Virginians -- including Loudoun County commuters -- can comment on the proposed program at a public hearing on May 4, at the new VDOT building located at 4975 Alliance Drive in Fairfax. The meeting begins at 7 p.m.
In Northern Virginia, the draft plan would fund the following new projects:
- I-66 Gainesville to Haymarket – Add one HOV lane and one regular lane in each direction from Route 29 in Gainesville to Route 15 at Haymarket (three miles). A new interchange would be constructed at I-66 and Route 15. The $132 million project would begin in 2015 and take three years to complete.
- I-66 active traffic management system (ATM) – The draft plan includes $32 million to implement the latest traffic management technology to ease congestion on I-66. Implementation would begin in 2012.
- I-395 HOV ramp at Seminary Road – Construction of an HOV ramp to the Mark Center. The $80 million project would begin in 2015.
- I-95 High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes – Construct 29 miles of HOV/HOT lanes on I-95 from Garrisonville Road in Stafford County to the vicinity of Edsall Road on I-395 in Fairfax County. The draft plan includes about $52 million from the Commonwealth. The majority of funding for the project is being financed by the private sector. Construction could begin as early as the 2012 construction season and take up to three years to complete. Environmental review is underway and public information meetings will be held this fall.
- Route 7 in Fairfax County – Widening from four to six lanes from Reston Avenue to the Dulles Toll Road (5.3 miles). The draft program includes $30 million for design which would begin this fall. No funding is currently available for right of way or construction.
- Route 7 at Sycolin Road in Leesburg – Construct a $21.6 million overpass to carry Sycolin Road over the Route 7 Bypass. Construction could begin in 2014
- Route 7 at Belmont Ridge Road in Loudoun County – Construct a $72 million interchange. Construction could begin in 2015. Loudoun County would design and construct. VDOT would acquire right of way.
- Route 1 at Route 123 in Prince William County – The draft includes $35 million to widen Route 1 beginning in 2015. Phase two of the project, construction of the interchange, is not yet funded.
- Route 123 in Fairfax – The draft includes $15 million to build a connection to George Mason West Campus Road.
- Fairfax County Parkway – Construct a loop at Rolling Road. The draft plan includes $14 million toward the $$25 million project. Construction begins in 2015.
- Battlefield Parkway Extension in Leesburg – Extend the Parkway for one mile. Construction on the $11 million project would begin in 2015.
The following projects in the plan were recommended by the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority. They would be constructed by VDOT or local jurisdicition.
- Route 1 North in Prince William County – Reconstruction and widening. Design on this $37 million project could begin 2013 and construction in 2017.
- Route 7 and Lexington Drive in Ashburn – Construct a bridge to carry Lexington Drive over Route 7. Design on the $25 million project would begin in 2013 and construction would begin in 2016.
- Route 7 in Tysons Corner – Draft includes $23 million towards $308 million of roadway improvements. Design would begin in 2013.
- Route 123 in Tysons – The draft plan includes $19 million for this $56 million project to improve access to future Metrorail. Construction would begin in 2014.
- Columbia Pike Streetcar Project – The draft plan includes $35 million towards implementation of Arlington County’s streetcar project. Design could begin in 2013.
- Dulles Toll Road – The draft includes $21 million of $25 million for Reston metro access. Design could begin in 2012.
- Route 15 (Market Street) in Leesburg – The draft includes a $5.5 million project for 300 park-and-ride spaces.
Following public hearings around the state, the Board will vote on a final plan on June 15 for the July 1 fiscal year.
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