Monday, October 29, 2012

Residents Encouraged to Stay Off Roads

Loudoun County Sheriff Michael L. Chapman is asking residents to avoid travel on roadways unless absolutely necessary due to today's severe weather from Hurricane Sandy.   

Weather conditions are expected to further worsen over night with heavy rains and winds.     

Flooding is expected in the county making some roadways impassible. Motorists are reminded to never walk or drive through a flooded area. It takes only six inches of fast-moving flood water to knock over an adult and two feet to move a vehicle. Remember: Turn Around, Don't Drown!   

Widespread power outages are also expected for our region and the slow moving storm may hinder utility crews from restoring power until weather conditions improve. Motorists are also reminded that when approaching an intersection where no law enforcement is present and the traffic signals are off due to power failure, that intersection must be treated as a four-way stop.  

Keep up to date with local conditions by following media reports and monitoring the National Weather Service at ( on your phone) for the latest forecast.    

If you have not already done so, sign up for alerts from Loudoun County including emergency information, news releases, traffic information, and more through Alert Loudoun at  

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