Under the Board’s Rules of Order, the Committee of the Whole provides an opportunity for expanded discussion on an item. In this case, it will provide an opportunity for the Board to discuss the Dulles Air Cargo, Passenger and Metro Access Highway alternatives and information gained from the Board’s June 2, public input session.
The draft motion included in the action item prepared for the June 18 meeting would direct staff to engage the services of a consultant to model a set of scenarios for the highway and report back to the Board by November 1. The item and more information about the project are online at www.loudoun.gov/dullesaccess.
Board meetings are held in the Board Room of the Loudoun County Government Center, 1 Harrison Street, S.E. in Leesburg. The meetings are televised on Comcast Government Channel 23, Open Band Channel 40, and Verizon FiOS Channel 40. Board meetings are webcast on the Loudoun County government website at www.loudoun.gov/webcast.
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