On Wednesday, the Sheriff's Office conducted a driver's license checkpoint on Church Road between Aspen Road and York Road in Sterling. The location for the checkpoint was selected after deputies patrolling these areas came across a number of unlicensed drivers during daily traffic stops.
The checkpoint was held from 4 to 7 p.m. 2,105 vehicles passed through with 27 summonses issued. Six drivers were caught driving without an operator's license and one person was charged with driving on a suspended license. Another driver was charged with possession of marijuana.
Other summonses issued included six people charged with no operator's license on their possession, one for no county sticker, one for no insurance, one for violation of window tint, six for expired registrations, and five for expired inspection.
The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office will hold several more drivers license checkpoints throughout the summer. The agency conducted similar checkpoints last year with the goal of removing unlicensed drivers from county roads. Nearly 40 motorists were charged for driving without a license during the three checkpoints held last year.

Why aren't these checkpoints viewed as a violation of civil liberties? Does no one contest the stormtroopers out there asking "Papiers bitten"?