If you're traveling on Waxpool from the direction of Ashburn Farm/Ashburn Village toward Route 28, hopefully you've noticed the big flashing traffic sign on the right side of the road warning of a new traffic pattern.
That new pattern is the removal of one of the left turn lanes from Waxpool onto Loudoun County Parkway.
It's amazing though... the past several days we've noticed drivers still in the second turn lane (the second lane from the right), even though there isn't a turn light in that lane, nor are there any left turn arrows painted on the pavement. (We had to drive around several times to finally catch the lanes empty for our picture!)
The one thing we do wish was that VDOT had painted straight arrows in the now "straight only/no turn lane" to help ease confusion. But overall, this move by the traffic folks will definitely help the early morning commute on Waxpool!
So pay attention. We now have three through lanes and only one left turn lane from Waxpool onto Loudoun County Parkway.
This was such a "no brainer" move one has to wonder why it wasn't done years ago!

Not only do drivers on Waxpool turn left onto Loudoun County Parkway from the straight lane - they do the same *from* SB Loudoun County Parkway onto EB Waxpool. It's an accident waiting to happen. SB Loudoun County Parkway has one left turn only lane and a left turn/straight lane. Yet impatient drivers who don't want to wait in line for the turn lanes still make the left turn from the straight only lane. Eventually someone is going to drive directly into a car that is going straight from the left turn/straight lane.