"Classified as a grade-separated Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI), the project includes 2,400 feet of new alignment for Loudoun County Parkway, provisions for numerous infrastructure changes and extensive grading, in addition to the Route 7 overpass.
"The plans also provide for new and modified traffic signals; maintenance of traffic, erosion and sediment control; stormwater management and lighting. Utility relocations at the work site are extensive, and include replacement of 2,200 feet of 24-inch gas transmission line; replacement and upgrading of 2,800 feet of 30-inch water line; a 48-inch waterline open cut across Route 7; and 6,000 feet of communication duct bank."
The Independent reports that the $23.3 million project on Route 7 at the Loudoun County Parkway, which was funded by Loudoun County through a 2006 bond referendum, "went out for bids in December 2008, with the winning bidder, Shirley Contracting Company LLC, starting the work in January 2009. Once completed, one of Loudoun County’s “Top 10 Most Dangerous Intersections” will be eliminated."
As Loudoun County Traffic reported yesterday, the Loudoun County Office of Capital Construction will hold a public information session about the project on Tuesday, June 23, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Research 1 Building on the George Washington University campus, 20101 Academic Way in Ashburn. Staff will be on hand to answer questions about the project.

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