According to a Loudoun Independent article earlier this week, "First-year delegate, Thomas “Tag” Greason (R-eastern Loudoun), has introduced legislation in Virginia’s General Assembly that would allow those riding two-wheeled vehicles to pass through red traffic lights."
"Greason said the idea for the bill arose in December after noticing that large amounts of snow piled at intersections prevented vehicles from triggering sensors that activate green traffic signals. Seeing this, he figured the issue likely posed even more of a hassle for smaller vehicles, like motorcycles. Then, over casual conversation with another delegate, he learned that South Carolina recently enacted a law that allowed motorcyclists to treat red lights like stop signs. So why not in Virginia, he thought."
Thanks to the Independent for reporting on the issue.
What are your thoughts? Do you think bicycles should be allowed to pedal through red lights, or if they ride on the road should they obey the rules of the road? Comment below!

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