The bus arrived at the LCPS Transportation Facility last month and will go into service as soon as final titling is completed. The bus will be used to transport students to the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.
According to the school system, the Thomas Built bus costs $160,000, about $60,000 more than a conventional bus but will use about 30 percent less fuel than a conventional school bus.
The bus runs on a hybrid technology similar to that used in a Ford Escape. An electric motor will run the bus up to a speed of 25 mph with the standard diesel engine kicking in after that. The hybrid's electric cell generates its own electricity when the driver eases off the accelerator.
Read the full release and check out the online video with Floyd Merryman, the president and CEO of Sonny Merryman, Inc., of Lynchburg, the dealer that sold the bus to LCPS.

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