Project Status
Route 7 – East Market Street to South King Street – After briefing the Leesburg Town Council and Board of Supervisors at a joint meeting in October, the scope of the project has been reduced to include only the Sycolin Road overpass. The consultant has been given direction accordingly.
Route 7 Climbing Lane/West Market Street to Route 9 – Preliminary engineering is proceeding based on the design presented to the adjacent neighborhoods at community meetings held last summer, with modifications to address concerns about emergency access and egress. Once evaluations are completed on the feasibility of improved egress at Roxbury Hall Road and Beacon Hill Drive, work on the NEPA document can begin. The design public hearing is anticipated for late 2011 or early 2012.
Lovettsville Bike Trail – VDOT continues to refine the project plans. Upon completion, work on the NEPA document will begin.
Bridge on Gleedsville Road over Sycolin – The title sheet and supporting documents have been submitted to the VDOT Central Office for signature. ROW acquisition is expected to begin in the January/February timeframe.
Evergreen Mill Road/Ryan Road Intersection Improvements – VDOT has determined that the project qualifies for Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding. Location and Design staff members are coordinating to initiate the design process using one of VDOT’s on-call consultants.
Riverside Parkway (County Project – Revenue Sharing) – Notice to proceed was issued to the consultant and a kick-off meeting was held with VDOT on October 8, 2010. The consultant is moving forward to establish design parameters. The first task has been to establish a typical section and evaluate right-of-way impacts.
Gum Spring Road HSIP Project (CAD TBD) – The location survey has been completed and the design is underway. The project is coordinating with Luck Stone Quarry regarding the relocation of Gum Spring Road to the south.
Crosstrails Boulevard and Kincaid Boulevard – Design work is underway. A citizen’s information meeting was held on November 8, 2010 at Heritage High School. Subsequent meetings have been held with citizens from Kincaid Forest, with some residents expressing concerns regarding cut-through traffic. At its December 15th meeting, the Finance Committee approved staff’s request for a change order to complete an archaeological survey on the southernmost segment of the proposed alignment. Staff are working with the appropriate authorities to gain entry to several parcels in that area that to date have been inaccessible.
Allder School Road – (County Project) – Alternatives analysis/design underway. A design waiver (FSM Waiver) has been submitted to B&D for hydrologic issues associated with the bridge. This will need to be approved by the County before VDOT will respond to design waivers submitted to VDOT staff. If this issue can be resolved in a timely manner, a design public hearing may be possible for February or March, 2011.
The Woods Road – A meeting of “The Woods Road Realignment Committee” was held on December 1st. At that meeting, staff conveyed to the Committee its plan to have VDOT take the lead on the project. Committee members in attendance expressed support for VDOT’s involvement and agreed to the preferred study corridor previously developed for the project. This information has been conveyed to VDOT.
Traffic Engineering Items
Multi-Way Stop request at Potomac Station Drive – VDOT has stated that multi-way stop signs can be put at either end of Binkley Circle or at Malloch and Cardston. A speed study was approved by the State Traffic Engineer’s Office for 45 mph on May 10, 2010. Given the results of the speed study, multi-way stop signs cannot be installed under traffic calming criteria. OTS staff will review the project in light of the speed study and will determine whether multi-way stops can be installed under operational criteria.
If you have concerns about specific roadway conditions, like potholes or dangerous ditches brought on by the latest winter conditions, call 1-800-FOR-ROAD (1-800-367-7623).

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