Try Transit Week, September 19-23, 2011, is sponsored by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) and is designed to motivate non-transit users to try one of the many forms of transit available in Virginia to help reduce peak time congestion.
Last April, Governor Bob McDonnell challenged Virginians to try a form of transportation other than driving alone once every 10 days. Try Transit Week provides the opportunity for everyone in Virginia to accept the challenge, while being entered to win a grand prize.
“The Governor challenged Virginians to stop driving alone and try a form a transit because if everyone in Virginia accepted the challenge, congestion in our heaviest regions could be drastically reduced,” said DRPT Director Thelma Drake. “Try Transit Week is a great time for Virginians to accept the Governor’s transportation challenge and to experience the benefits transit can offer, such as saving money and time.”
According to the American Public Transportation Association, the average household spends 18 cents of every dollar on transportation, and 94 percent of that goes to common car expenses. Using transit and living with one less car helps reduce these expenses, such as gas and tune ups, which can save the average family up to $10,000 a year.
In addition, transit can significantly reduce the number of cars on the road, which helps address congestion and improve commute times. According to the Virginia Transit Association, a single bus can remove up to 40 cars and one passenger railcar can remove up to 125 cars from highways.
With more than 300 bus, rail, carpool and vanpool, and telework partners in the Commonwealth, there are many options available to suit any lifestyle, budget and commute.
“The Commonwealth has a robust transportation network with many different transit options for its citizens,” said DRPT Chief of Public Transportation Bob Wilson. “Virginia’s mix of bus service, variety of rail services, carpool and vanpool options, and telework partners makes it easy to find a transit option that will work for your commute – no matter where you are going.”
In addition to the benefits of using transit, if you pledge to try transit between September 19-23, 2011, you will be automatically entered in the contest to win two round-trip tickets on Amtrak Virginia and a one-year transit pass to the Virginia transit operator of your choice.
Visit to learn more about the event and transit options, as well as contest rules and regulations, and to enter your pledge.

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