But he reports that now, in 2014, it's a daily part of their lives. As sprawl has developed in the area west of Washington Dulles International Airport, roads such as U.S. Route 50, Braddock Road and Va. Route 606 (Old Ox Road) are seeing traffic that planners didn't anticipate.
The Virginia Department of Transportation held a two-hour public hearing on Tuesday at Liberty Elementary School to discuss several options to address the congestion with several hundred residents.
While four options are on the table, only two are being seriously considered to provide some congestion relief to these residents: They're being called Alternative 2 and Alternative 3C. Alternative 2 would cost $239.7 million and 3C would cost $244.6 million.
The Commonwealth Transportation Board and the Federal Highway Administration will ultimately decide between the two, although no date has been set for either to choose. A VDOT public comment period ends May 7.
Read the complete WTOP story.

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