Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Board Approves Fees for Public Use of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors has approved a fee policy for the county?s Electric Vehicle Charging Stations that will be located a new county park and ride facility later this year.   
For the first year of operation, the use of the stations will be provided as a service to the general public for a fee of $1.44 per session, based on the average cost of electricity for a single full battery charge. The Board will re-evaluate the program after one year of operation to determine the usage rate and maintenance costs associated with each station.   
Five charging stations will be located at the new Harmony Park and Ride facility at Scott Jenkins Memorial Park in Hamilton. They will be among the first in the area available to the public. The county?s purchase and installation of the charging stations is part of a wide range of energy conservation projects and programs that Loudoun is implementing through the federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program. 
Also as part of the EECBG program, the county is installing 24 energy-efficient LED light fixtures with solar arrays at the Harmony Park and Ride lot.   
More information about the county?s energy programs, including the Loudoun County Energy Strategy, is online at

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