The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) has solicited projects from localities to be funded with the localities’ share of the regional federal stimulus funds. The Board earlier approved improvement to Waxpool Road and a queue warning system at Route 28 and Waxpool Road. The new Loudoun projects, which will be supervised by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), are:
- Replacement of more than 2,000 incandescent bulbs in all traffic signals with more visible LED bulbs which will reduce electricity usage and costs as the bulbs will only need to be replaced every 7 to 10 years instead of annually.
- Replacing about 250 existing standard pedestrian signal devices with countdown devices, which will improve safety.
- Installing Uninterrupted Power Supply systems in traffic signals at major intersections, which will allow the signals to continue to function when power has been lost to storms, accidents or construction.
- Pavement markings and refurbishment, which will improve safety.
The timelines associated with the use of the stimulus funds require that the $5.3 million allocated for use in Loudoun County must be obligated by VDOT for expenditure by February 2010. For the latest Loudoun County traffic news and information, subscribe to Loudoun County Traffic via your favorite RSS reader, or get Loudoun County Traffic by e-mail.
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